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Fernando Alarcón de la Lastra, “Aerospace Executive 2024” award from Andalucía Aeroespace

A recognition to the outstanding work in the management and direction of one of the aerospace companies based in Andalusia

Fernando Alarcón de la Lastra, CEO of Canagrosa, has been awarded this Wednesday with the annual award “Aerospace Executive 2024” of Andalucía Aerospace. This award, voted by the cluster members and granted since 2019, recognizes the outstanding work in the management and direction of one of the aerospace companies based in Andalusia.

After collecting the award, the CEO of Canagrosa expressed his gratitude: “This recognition granted by the sector's peers fills me with pride and reaffirms that the direction is good. What started 39 years ago as a dream in a small shop in front of Maria Luisa Park, today is an international reference in the field of aeronautical testing, with more than 80 employees and four locations”. He also stressed that the recognition “is an enormous motivation to continue working on our growth strategy for the coming years, based on international expansion and vertical integration of our business processes”.

In his speech, Fernando dedicated the award to the Canagrosa team. “Although I don't consider myself deserving, the Canagrosa team probably does. I am here on behalf of them and for them. If I am here today receiving this award it is thanks to their work and dedication,” he said.

He also expressed his special gratitude to his family, mentioning his parents as fundamental pillars of his life and source of inspiration. “From love and affection, they always instilled in us the values of hard work, effort and love for things well done”, he added.

The CEO of Canagrosa also had words of gratitude for his brothers, whom he described as “the best workmates one can dream of", and for Sergio Domínguez, whom he recognized for giving him "a calm, meditated and paused vision of things, which stops me many times and makes me think a second time".

And, of course, he mentioned his wife, Blanca, highlighting her constant support and her example as a mother and businesswoman. “Her support, illusion and confidence in the future are the force that drives me to want to be better every day,” he said.  

Fernando Alarcón de la Lastra also thanked Andalucía Aerospace for its daily work and acknowledged the commitment of entrepreneurs and managers who bet on Andalusia as a region to prosper.

Finally, he closed his speech with a message of optimism. “This recognition, which is already part of my heart, will give us wings and strength to continue flying high”.

This fifth edition of the award was presented by Jorge Paradela, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines.