The objective of Canagrosa's environmental policy is to be energetically autonomous by March 2023.
Last September, we put into operation in Canagrosa's facilities in the Aeropolis Aeronautical Park, a system of photovoltaic panels that is reducing our energy cost between 50 and 60%.
This investment is a consequence of the management team's commitment to sustainability and how Canagrosa can contribute to reducing its environmental footprint as much as possible. In this line, the project that has involved the provision on the roofs of our main warehouse, 165 photovoltaic panels with a capacity to generate 100 kW of electrical power. These numbers guarantee the system to have the capacity to supply the electricity we consume daily, and it will be in February 2023 when it will be performing at 100%.
At the moment, the system of panels is allowing to reduce between 50 and 60% "the electricity bill" and after the corresponding approvals, in approximately 3 months, it will be possible to increase the power generated to feed the remaining energy into the grid.
In this way, Canagrosa confirms its commitment to renewables, going on to consume 100% clean electricity, something that will also help us to improve our competitiveness in a key sector for sustainable development in the long term.